36 INDEX BY FUNCTION Important: enter all TYPE CODE in the web search field. i.e. #SFJ, then start the configuration Idlers for Round Belts/Narrow #MBF Pulleys for Round Belts/Clamping/ U-Groove #MBRC Idlers for Round Belts/Wide #MBG Pulleys for Round Belts/Setscrew #MBR Round Belts, Pulleys Pulleys for Stainless Steel Belts #ROBS Stainless Steel Belts #STHB Idlers for Stainless Steel Belts #ROFS Guided Flat Belts #YBLT Belts With Meandering Prevention/For Packaged Goods/For Electronic Parts #FBLD Belts With Meandering Prevention Crosspiece/Non-Adhesive #NSHD Belts With Meandering Prevention Crosspiece/Oil Resistant #OHBT Belts With Meandering Prevention Crosspiece/For Food Transfer #KBLD Belts With Meandering Prevention Crosspiece/Grip Type #GBLD Belts With Meandering Prevention Crosspiece/For Inclined Transfer #LHBT Belts With Meandering Prevention Crosspiece/For Sliding #YSBL Belts With Meandering Prevention Crosspiece/General Use #HBL1 Belts With Meandering Prevention Crosspiece/For Inclined Transfer #SHBT Flat Belts/For Electronic Parts Transfer #FBLG Flat Belts/For Food Transfer #KBLT Flat Belts/Oil Resistant #OHBL Flat Belts/Grip Type #GBLG Flat Belts/Heat Resistant/NonAdhesive #NSHB Flat Belts/For Inclined Transfer #LHBL Flat Belts/For Sliding #SHBL Idlers for Flat Belts/Straight/Width: 100~300 #ROFW Idlers for Flat Belts/Straight/Width: 38~90 #ROFA Flat Belts/General Purpose #HBLT Shaft Pulleys for Round Belts/Width: 25~100 #HPCJ Pulley/With Urethane/Centering Groove/Crowned/Width: 110~500 #RWBC Idlers for Flat Belts/Straight/Crowned/ Centering Groove/Width: 110~500 #ROF1 Pulley/Centering Groove/Crowned/ Width: 110~500 #ROBW Pulley/With Urethane/Centering Groove/Crowned/Width: 25~100 #RWC Idlers for Flat Belts/Straight/Crowned/ Centering Groove/Width: 110~500/ Economy #RFW Pulley/Straight/Crowned/Centering Groove/Width: 110~500/Economy #RBW
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