SANDVIK Cylindrical Sleeve (393.CG-12 04 40)

SANDVIK Cylindrical Sleeve 393.CG-12 04 40

Product Details:

Manufacturer part number: 393.CG-12 04 40


Price: Please contact the support for quotation

Delivery time: 5 Days

Technical Data:

Coolant: -

Holder: Design: -

Customs tariff goods number: -

Holder: L-dimension: -

Overall length l1 / l21: 40 mm

Part Number

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393.CG-12 04 40

Part Number
393.CG-12 04 40
Part NumberMinimum order quantityVolume Discount
Shipping Days
Coolant Holder: Design Customs tariff goods number Holder: L-dimension Overall length l1 / l21
Cooling lubricant Customs tariff weight
Groove for EasyFix clamping system Machine-side holder size / Coupling size Tool-side mount/coupling size Holder: F dimension Total length l1 / l21
Tool-side holder size/ Coupling size Holder: L dimension eClass-5.1 Holder: Clamping technology Machine-side mount/coupling size Internal or external machining Type Customs tariff weight Pro Customs tariff weight per Customs tariff article number
1 5 Days ----40-0.037-DCONMS = 12.00 mm-----21029110---Cylindrical clamping sleeve1-84661020


  1. 1

Basic information

Customs tariff weight unit kg Manufacturer SANDVIK COROMANT Customs tariff country of origin DE

This page is SANDVIK Cylindrical Sleeve, part number 393.CG-12 04 40.
You can find the detail information about specifications and dimensions on part number 393.CG-12 04 40.

Variation of this product

Part Number
393.CG-12 05 40
Part NumberStandard Unit PriceMinimum order quantityVolume DiscountStandard
Shipping Days
Coolant Holder: Design Customs tariff goods number Holder: L-dimension Overall length l1 / l21
Cooling lubricant Customs tariff weight
Groove for EasyFix clamping system Machine-side holder size / Coupling size Tool-side mount/coupling size Holder: F dimension Total length l1 / l21
Tool-side holder size/ Coupling size Holder: L dimension eClass-5.1 Holder: Clamping technology Machine-side mount/coupling size Internal or external machining Type Customs tariff weight Pro Customs tariff weight per Customs tariff article number

673.77 €

1 5 Days YesNeutral84669360---1.9Yes-ø 32.00 mm-LF = 128-Variable21021105Cylindrical sleeveø 60.00 mmBoring bar sleeveBoring bar sleeve-1-

890.08 €

1 5 Days YesNeutral84669360---1.9Yes-ø 40.00 mm-LF = 160-Variable21021105Cylindrical sleeveø 60.00 mmBoring bar sleeveBoring bar sleeve-1-

979.23 €

1 5 Days YesNeutral84669360---1.3Yes-ø 50.00 mm-LF = 200-Variable21021105Cylindrical sleeveø 60.00 mmBoring bar sleeveBoring bar sleeve-1-


1 5 Days ----40-0.036-DCONMS = 12.00 mm-----21029110---Cylindrical clamping sleeve1-84661020

233.85 €

1 5 Days ---LSC = 29.0044Yes0.045-DCONMS = 12.00 mm---DCONWS = 2.90 mm-21029110---Cylindrical clamping sleeve1-84661020

233.85 €

1 5 Days ---LSC = 29.0044Yes0.04-DCONMS = 12.00 mm---DCONWS = 3.80 mm-21029110---Cylindrical clamping sleeve1-84661020

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