Link clamp, hydraulic, form B, O-ring flange connection steel (04624) (04624-40-251204)

Link clamp, hydraulic, form B, O-ring flange connection steel (04624) 04624-40-251204

Product Details:

Manufacturer part number: 04624-40-251204


Price: 638.94

Delivery time: 4 Days

Technical Data:

C: 65 degrees

H1: 50

L2: 24

D: 50

B1: 56

Part Number

Once your search is narrowed to one product,
the corresponding part number is displayed here.


Part Number
Part Number
Standard Unit Price
Minimum order quantityVolume Discount
Shipping Days
H1 L2 D B1 L1 L4 D1 G B L H B4 L5 D2 H2 H3 H4 B2 Piston Ø L6 B3 L8 L7 L9 Clamping force at 100 bar
Clamping force at 350 bar
Clamping force at 200 bar
L10 Weight (ERP)

638.94 €

1 4 Days 6550245056564450.5M8x2272721562724454192282563.5561036563.96513.8-28.12.2400


  1. 1

Basic information

Main material steel Surface finish body black oxidised Form B
Version 1 hydraulic Item Link clamp Form definition double-acting
Connection type o-ring flange connection RoHS yes PL Edelstahl no

This page is Link clamp, hydraulic, form B, O-ring flange connection steel (04624), part number 04624-40-251204.
You can find the detail information about specifications and dimensions on part number 04624-40-251204.

Variation of this product

Part Number
Part NumberStandard Unit PriceMinimum order quantityVolume DiscountStandard
Shipping Days
H1 L2 D B1 L1 L4 D1 G B L H B4 L5 D2 H2 H3 H4 B2 Piston Ø L6 B3 L8 L7 L9 Clamping force at 100 bar
Clamping force at 350 bar
Clamping force at 200 bar
L10 Weight (ERP)

477.48 €

1 4 Days 6941.5153838382838.5M6x1261521172019437.510.522.571649387.535381.5695.2-240.8500

691.38 €

1 4 Days 6565367062786670.5M10x22951001912931.5567.7202513.54082.5781050.5629.565-19424.3500

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