FO converters, FL MC (2891156)

FO converters, FL MC 2891156

Product Details:

Manufacturer part number: 2891156


Price: 1,160.88

Delivery time: 98 Days

Technical Data:

Width: 30 mm

Height: 130 mm

Depth: 100 mm

Managed: false

Ethernet: true

Part Number

Once your search is narrowed to one product,
the corresponding part number is displayed here.


Part Number
Part NumberRelated to
Standard Unit Price
Minimum order quantityVolume Discount
Shipping Days
Managed Ethernet Fast Ethernet Suitable for 19 inch mounting Supply voltage AC 50 Hz
Supply voltage AC 60 Hz
Supply voltage DC

1,160.88 €

1 98 Days 30130100falsetruetruefalse24|2424|2424|24


  1. 1

Basic information

Construction type - Number of ports 10 Mbps BNC - Number of ports 10 Mbps AUI -
Number of ports 10 Mbps of ST - Number of ports 100 Mbps RJ45 - Number of ports 100 Mbps SC -
Number of ports 1000 Mbps RJ45 - Number of ports 10 Mbps of SC - Number of ports 100 Mbps ST -
Voltage type of supply voltage - Gigabit Ethernet - Number of ports 10 Mbps RJ45 -
Number of ports 10 Mbps VF-45 - Number of ports 10/100 Mbps RJ45 - Number of ports 100 Mbps VF-45 -
Number of ports 1000 Mbps SC (SX) - Number of ports 1000 Mbps SC (LX) - Number of ports GIBC (SX) -
Number of ports GIBC (LX) - Rail mounting possible - Number of ports 10 Gbps LC (LX) -
Number of ports 10 Gbps LC (SX) - Number of ports 10 Mbps MTRJ - Number of ports 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ45 -
Number of ports 1000 Mbps LC (LX) - Number of ports 1000 Mbps LC (SX) - Power over Ethernet false
Wall mounting/direct mounting - Number of ports 10 Gbps SC (LX) - Number of ports 10 Gbps SC (SX) -
Number of ports Mini-GBIC (LX) - Number of ports Mini-GBIC (SX) -

This page is FO converters, FL MC, part number 2891156.
You can find the detail information about specifications and dimensions on part number 2891156.

Variation of this product

Part Number
Part NumberRelated ToStandard Unit PriceMinimum order quantityVolume DiscountStandard
Shipping Days
Managed Ethernet Fast Ethernet Suitable for 19 inch mounting Supply voltage AC 50 Hz
Supply voltage AC 60 Hz
Supply voltage DC

595.00 €

1 47 Days 22.599114.5falsetrue-false-|--|--|-

568.85 €

1 54 Days 2811070falsetruetruefalse24|2424|2424|24

568.85 €

1 26 Days 2811070falsetruetruefalse24|2424|2424|24

824.27 €

1 54 Days 2811070falsetruetruefalse24|2424|2424|24

875.35 €

1 54 Days 2811070falsetruetruefalse24|2424|2424|24

394.81 €

1 54 Days 2811070----24|2424|2424|24

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