Manufacturer part number: CR3004
Price: 66.46 €
Delivery time: 4 Days
Analogue Voltage Output: 0-10 V
Number of PWM Inputs: 1
Current Consumption: < 20 mA
Analogue Current Output: - mA
Operating Voltage: 24-30 DC V
Part Number
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Part Number
CR3004 |
Part Number |
Standard Unit Price
| Minimum order quantity | Volume Discount | Analogue Voltage Output (V) | Number of PWM Inputs | Current Consumption (mA) | Analogue Current Output (mA) | Operating Voltage (V) | Max. Load (Ω) | |
66.46 € | 1 | Available | 4 Days | 0-10 | 1 | < 20 | - | 24-30 DC | - |
Number of Inputs and Outputs | Number of analogue outputs: 1 | Materials | polyamide glass fibre reinforced | Design | Housing module |
Ambient Temperature(°C) | -40-85 | Reverse Polarity Protection | Yes | Number of Analogue Outputs | 1 |
PWM Frequency Inputs(Hz) | 122 | Dimensions(mm) | 54 x 34 x 15 |
This page is PWM Analogue Module Cable, part number CR3004.
You can find the detail information about specifications and dimensions on part number CR3004.
Part Number |
CR3003 |
CR3008 |
Part Number | Standard Unit Price | Minimum order quantity | Volume Discount | Standard Shipping Days ? | Analogue Voltage Output (V) | Number of PWM Inputs | Current Consumption (mA) | Analogue Current Output (mA) | Operating Voltage (V) | Max. Load (Ω) |
66.46 € | 1 | Available | 4 Days | 0-5 | 1 | < 20 | - | 24-30 DC | - | |
149.54 € | 1 | Available | 4 Days | - | 1; (24 V DC ± 20 % PWM signal) | < 30 | 4-20 | 19.2-28.8 DC | 600 |