
Chamfering / Centering Tools (Tip angle (θ): 8X90°)

Chamfering/countersinking tools are tools used for grinding center holes, positioning holes, grinding holes, or deburring and rounding the edges after side-surface machining. They are attached to machine tools such as drill press, lathe, machining center, etc. Center drills are used to position the initial indentation on the work material to avoid misalignment of the drill bit tip. Their materials include alloy carbide, powdered high-speed steel, cobalt high-speed steel and high-speed steel. Countersinking and chamfering cutters are capable of chamfering after drilling holes. Chamfering cutters with a hole on the tip allow for smooth cutting discharge on soft work materials such as copper and aluminum. Center drills have a 90° tip angle and they can be used for positioning and chamfering at the same time.
Název řady
Cena (bez DPH)
Normální datum odeslání
Tip angle (θ)
Tool Diameter (D)(mm)
work material
Single blade, two blades
Peripheral Blade Y/N
Tool Material Type
Coating Y/N
Coating Type
R Size (R)(mm)
84.71 €
6 pracovních dnů
Single blade
Powder high-speed steel